WebbyTech | Our top 10 blogs of the year
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Our top 10 blogs of the year

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  • December 11, 2024
  • Articles

We aren’t far off of Christmas and the New Year now which is a good opportunity for us to look back over 2024. This year we’ve covered a vast array of topics on the blog.

From how to tackle summer heat with your IT to processes that can be automated in your business, there was plenty of information and advice to get your teeth into. And in case you missed any of it, here is a quick rundown of some of our most popular posts.
Let’s dive in.

1 – IT improvements that can be made in 10 minutes or less

If you’re pressed for time but there are improvements to your IT that you want to make, this would be an excellent place to start. In this blog we summarise four quick but impactful changes that you can make to your IT in under 10 minutes.

2 – Business Systems worth falling in love with

Reliable business systems are worth putting in place to help get work done efficiently and address issues as they come up. In this blog, we explore three that we think are worth putting your time into.

3 – Spring Cleaning Jobs for the Autumn Office

Spring Cleaning doesn’t have to be done in Spring, but it is important to spend time doing it. Being in a place where you’re starting from clean basis is really valuable, and in this blog we’ve about some of the activities you can undertake to clean your workspace physically and mentally.

4 – Summer Holiday Reading Recommendations

Remember, these recommendations don’t have to be for summer. We’ve got a bit of time coming up and you might even be searching for the perfect Christmas gift for the reader in your life.

5 – Processes to automate in your business

A consistent theme of our blog is talking about ways that business owners can focus more on the things that actually make an impact on growing their business. This blog covers three key jobs that probably take up a bunch of time, but don’t bring you much financial return.

6 – How to keep your office cool in the summer heat

Keep this article in your back pocket. You might not need it now in the depths of winter, but ensuring your IT runs smooths and efficiently is also about responding to outside factors. These are our tips for tackling the heat.

7 – Signs it might be time to update your password

Long time readers of this blog will know that we love password security. If you’ve been using the same one for a while these are a few signs that it might be time to change.

8 – IT improvements that can be made on a tea break

A follow up to the first blog on this list, and further proof that you can make IT improvements if you are short of time. Check out the additional top tips here.

9 – How to use a Bank Holiday as a Business Owner

The natural temptation for a business owner would be to plow on as normal, however Bank Holidays do offer a natural pause that can give you some space to think about how to take your business forward. In this blog we discuss ways that you can do this.
10 – 4 reasons why small businesses don’t invest in IT
For whatever reason,  working on IT often falls down the priority list for small business owners. Which makes sense, as for most people it isn’t directly responsible for the sales lifeblood of their business. But is important in how we work day to day – this is why you should invest in it.
Remember, if any of these topics have sparked a thought for you to get on top of an IT issue you’ve been putting off, now might be the perfect time to carve out some space to focus on it.
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