Last blog we discussed some of the things you can do to push your business in Spring. In that post we talked about refreshing business processes and today we’re planning to delve into that a bit deeper.
So the question is, how do you know when its time to refresh your business processes? Below are four signs to look out for and what to do next if you’ve identified the need for an update.
Fresh eyes on it
Whenever you have a new member of staff or a member of your team is taking on new responsibilities its a good opportunity to review the processes they will be responsible for.
Fresh eyes on something can spot issues that you may have overlooked or suggest a better way of doing things. Make sure you carve out the time.
It’s creating lots of errors
Ultimately processes are built to eliminate silly errors that occur from manually repeating a process. If you have a well established process but it’s starting to create lots of errors then it’s definitely a sign to look at that process again.
Do periodically spot check your processes for errors. Sometimes it is not immediately obvious that they are occurring.
Processes around it have changed
It is possible that errors can occur in a process as bits of work around them change. If you are looking at changing one process then you should also think about the surrounding processes that map on to the work. You may realise that changes in one area can make something else redundant.
Time has passed
Ultimately a key indicator of the need to refresh a process is time passing since you wrote it. We do not exist in a vacuum and neither do our businesses. If a chunk of time has passed between the point at which you wrote the process and now its worth taking a look.
As a baseline its worth rereading processes once a year to ensure they remain up to date and continue to make sense. Its a bit of an admin intensive job but well worth blocking out some time to get it done.
Naturally there are plenty of processes to follow around IT for your business, and it’s a lot to keep on top of even for the most diligent and experienced business owner. This where WebbyTech can fit in to help.
If you want a refresh of your IT give us a call. You can see the full range of services we offer
here or
contact us directly for a no obligations conversation.