With love very much in the air, it’s worth reflecting on all the areas of our lives that we love and that need attention. What better to get your ready for Valentines Day than thinking about areas your IT that need some love and attention.
Now these are not hard and fast rules, but today we are considering three areas of IT that businesses often overlook. And overlook at their peril.
No matter if you need to focus on training for your team or keeping your software secure, there is a quick takeaway for everyone in today’s blog. Let’s dive in.
Security is an increasingly important area of focus for businesses, yet one that is often overlooked in favour of more interesting projects. But you should be giving attention to security aspects of your business much more than you already do.
Many people don’t use secure passwords, either easy to guess or using the same passwords on repeat. And when was the last time that you checked that the anti virus software on your computer was up to date? Just improving these two focuses will add some additional protection to your business.
One of the most delicate processes when growing a business is onboarding new staff. This can be the difference between someone joining your team and absolutely flying, or floundering around for weeks or months. This is why it’s well worth your attention.
It’s worth considering whether you have a formalised onboarding process, and if you don’t spending some time and energy to set that out. Make sure that your new starters have access to the IT, software and programs they need – and an awareness of how they are used in their first week. Otherwise their success in your business is built on shaky foundations.
Finally it’s worth thinking about how you can upskill your team to ensure that everyone is as productive as possible on the tools that you use to work. It can be helpful to do a bit of a brain dump, auditing the skills that the team think they have and the gaps that they identify.
You can then start to think about how to address these skills gaps. Some of your team may benefit from coaching or mentoring from a peer on a particular task or software. There might be a broader skills gap that could be best filled by an external trainer. It’s worth spending the time to scope this out and then diving into how to address any problems identified.
If any of the above has got you thinking about how you can fall more in love with your business IT, WebbyTech is here to help. You can see the full range of services we offer here or
contact us directly for a no obligations conversation.