It can often feel that with each passing year the world is becoming a more turbulent place. A huge change in the last couple of years is how online threats fit into that overall mix.
Gone are the days when the worst thing to worry about was giving your bank details to a Nigerian Prince. Cyber security threats are becoming more prevalent and more sophisticated.
So what should you be looking out for in 2025? And ultimately, what can you do to protect yourself and your business? Let’s dive in.
Scams are continuing to evolve
As much as we would like this to happen, cyber security scams are not going to disappear. The reality is that cyber security scams are continuing to evolve and get more sophisticated.
Over the last 12 months the barrier to entry for using AI tools has gotten lower and lower. What this means in practice is that there is now more and more effectively written scam content.
Phishing emails remain one of the top cyber security issues that many people encounter. As they become more and more sophisticated they will become more effective. It is very possible to see a world where the use of AI tools increases the threats that come from phishing.
The use of AI tools isn’t just confined to writing phishing emails, it’s helping scammers to get past security features including for accounts that can be susceptible to identity theft – so be on your guard.
The good news
There is however good news within all of this, and that is that the awareness of good cyber security practices is significantly increasing. Ultimately awareness of possible challenges is the first step to overcoming them.
If you have more awareness of possible threats within the users in your business, the more likely you are to be protected. Whilst more and more people are becoming aware of cyber security issues, it makes sense to ensure that you are getting trained and up to date.
If any of the above has struck a chord and you want to improve the IT practices in your business – WebbyTech are here to help. You can see the full range of services we offer
here or
contact us directly for a no obligations conversation.