WebbyTech | Tips to keep your January goals on track
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Tips to keep your January goals on track

Home >> Articles >> Tips to keep your January goals on track
  • January 10, 2025
  • Articles
A new year is a good time to take stock and set goals, be they personal or business focused. Admittedly one of the biggest challenges people face after setting their goal is keeping it on track.
With that in mind, today we’ve explored some tactics that busy business owners can take to push through with goals and make sure they are focusing on the things that will make a real difference for their business.

Carve out diary time

You aren’t going to make progress against your goals unless you give them the time and attention they deserve. But believe us, we know it can be incredibly hard to find that time when you are a busy business owner with many people vying for your attention.

The best way to make progress on your goals is to carve out specific diary time to work on them. Even if it is finding an hour ir two a week. Even better is to make it a habbit to work on your goals outside of your usual work place. Not only are you less likely to be disturbed, this tactic can help you to think more objectively.


When you start out in the brainstorming phase its easy to think that everything is going to be a priority. This simply isnt the case. Having too many things on your plate can make it harder to focus on the things that will definitely make a difference.
Before you dive into making improvements and pushing forward ask yourself – what impact will this make? And, do I have to be the one to do this? If the answer to the second question is a no then there are two further things that you should be considering.

Automate what you can, outsource what you can’t

Some of the improvements and goal you have may be quite straightforward. Once you have done your strategic thinking around them you will be able to automate if not the entirety if the goal at least significant chunks of it with digital tools.
Other goals you have may well need specialist expertise to get things working as they should. It’s well worth considering that if any of your goals fit in this camp whether you should engage professionals to help you get them realised. We’ve written more about outsourcing here.
If your IT is one of the things getting in the way of you making progress in January then WebbyTech is here to help. You can see the full range of services we offer here or contact us directly for a no obligations conversation.